Uses of Interface

Packages that use Rating Start here for data model interfaces.   

Uses of Rating in

Methods in that return Rating
 Rating RatingEvent.getRating()
          All rating events include a rating that is returned by this method.
 Rating RatingManager.createRating(User creator, double value)
          Creates a new rating with the given user as the creator ("owner" of the rating).
 Rating RatingManager.getRating(Topic topic, User rater)
          Returns the rating object that the given user has added to the given topic (or null if the user hasn't rated the topic yet).
 Rating RatingManager.getRating(Attribute attribute, User rater)
          Returns the rating object that the given user has added to the given attribute (or null if the user hasn't rated the attribute yet).
 Rating RatingManager.getRating(Association association, User rater)
          Returns the rating object that the given user has added to the given association (or null if the user hasn't rated the association yet).
 Rating RatingManager.getRating(User user, User rater)
          Returns the rating object that the given user (parameter "rater") has added to another user (parameter "user") - or null if the user hasn't rated the other user yet.

Methods in with parameters of type Rating
 void RatingManager.addRating(Topic rated, Rating rating)
          Adds the given rating to the given topic.
 void RatingManager.addRating(Attribute rated, Rating rating)
          Adds the given rating to the given attribute.
 void RatingManager.addRating(Association rated, Rating rating)
          Adds the given rating to the given association.
 void RatingManager.addRating(User rated, Rating rating)
          Adds the given rating to the given user.
 void RatingManager.removeRating(User remover, Rating rating)
          Removes a rating and its history if it is assigned to a rateable element (otherwise this call is ignored).

Constructors in with parameters of type Rating
RatingEvent(ConsensusFoundationManager cfm, Rating source, User rater, Concept ratedConcept, User ratedUser, double oldRatingValue)
RatingEvent(ConsensusFoundationManager cfm, Rating source, User rater, Concept ratedConcept)
RatingEvent(ConsensusFoundationManager cfm, Rating source, User rater, User ratedUser)
RatingEvent(ConsensusFoundationManager cfm, Rating source, User rater, Concept ratedConcept, double oldRatingValue)
RatingEvent(ConsensusFoundationManager cfm, Rating source, User rater, User ratedUser, double oldRatingValue)

Uses of Rating in

Methods in with parameters of type Rating
 boolean DynamicRightsManager.mayAddRating(Rating rating, Rateable rateable)
          Checks if a user is allowed to assign a rating to a certain rateable element.
 boolean DynamicRightsManager.mayRemoveRating(User remover, Rating rating)
          Checks if a user is allowed to remove a rating permanently from an element.
 void DynamicRightsManager.checkAddRating(Rating rating, Rateable rateable)
          Checks if a user is allowed to assign a rating to a certain rateable element.
 void DynamicRightsManager.checkRemoveRating(User remover, Rating rating)
          Checks if a user is allowed to remove a rating permanently from an element.

Uses of Rating in

Methods in that return Rating
 Rating Rateable.addRating(User rater, double value)
          Adds a rating for the given user to this element.
 Rating Rateable.getRating(User rater)
          Returns the rating of the given user for this element.

Uses of Rating in

Methods in that return Rating
 Rating ScoringEvent.getRating()
          If a new rating was created or an existing rating was changed, this method returns the current rating object.

Constructors in with parameters of type Rating
ScoringEvent(ConsensusFoundationManager cfm, User source, int id, Concept concept, User ratedUser, Rating rating, double oldRatingValue, String oldValue, Topic oldType, Topic topic, Occurrence occurrence, Synonym synonym)

Uses of Rating in de.uka.ipd.consensus.impl

Classes in de.uka.ipd.consensus.impl that implement Rating
 class SQLRatingImpl
 class TM4JRatingImpl
          Deprecated. slow... SQLRatingImpl is used instead

Methods in de.uka.ipd.consensus.impl that return Rating
 Rating AssociationImpl.getRating(User user)
 Rating AssociationImpl.addRating(User rater, double value)
 Rating AttributeImpl.addRating(User rater, double value)
 Rating AttributeImpl.getRating(User user)
 Rating SQLRatingManagerImpl.createRating(User creator, double value)
 Rating SQLRatingManagerImpl.getRating(Topic topic, User rater)
 Rating SQLRatingManagerImpl.getRating(Attribute attribute, User rater)
 Rating SQLRatingManagerImpl.getRating(Association association, User rater)
 Rating SQLRatingManagerImpl.getRating(User user, User rater)
 Rating SuperSubclassImpl.addRating(User rater, double value)
 Rating SuperSubclassImpl.getRating(User rater)
 Rating SynonymImpl.addRating(User rater, double value)
 Rating SynonymImpl.getRating(User rater)
 Rating TM4JRatingManagerImpl.createRating(User creator, double value)
 Rating TM4JRatingManagerImpl.getRating(Topic topic, User rater)
 Rating TM4JRatingManagerImpl.getRating(User user, User rater)
 Rating TM4JRatingManagerImpl.getRating(Attribute attribute, User rater)
 Rating TM4JRatingManagerImpl.getRating(Association association, User rater)
 Rating TopicImpl.addRating(User rater, double value)
 Rating TopicImpl.getRating(User user)
 Rating TypeInstanceImpl.addRating(User rater, double value)
 Rating TypeInstanceImpl.getRating(User rater)
 Rating UserImpl.addRating(User rater, double value)
 Rating UserImpl.getRating(User user)

Methods in de.uka.ipd.consensus.impl with parameters of type Rating
 boolean DynamicRightsManagerImpl.mayAddRating(Rating rating, Rateable rateable)
 boolean DynamicRightsManagerImpl.mayRemoveRating(User remover, Rating rating)
 void DynamicRightsManagerImpl.checkAddRating(Rating rating, Rateable rateable)
 void DynamicRightsManagerImpl.checkRemoveRating(User remover, Rating rating)
protected  void IncentiveManagerImpl.fireScoringEvent(User source, int id, Concept concept, User ratedUser, Rating rating, double oldRatingValue, String oldValue, Topic oldType, Topic topic, Occurrence occurrence, Synonym synonym)
 void SQLRatingManagerImpl.removeRating(User remover, Rating rating)
 void SQLRatingManagerImpl.addRating(Topic rated, Rating rating)
 void SQLRatingManagerImpl.addRating(Attribute rated, Rating rating)
 void SQLRatingManagerImpl.addRating(Association rated, Rating rating)
 void SQLRatingManagerImpl.addRating(User rated, Rating rating)
 void TM4JRatingManagerImpl.addRating(Topic rated, Rating rating)
 void TM4JRatingManagerImpl.addRating(User rated, Rating rating)
 void TM4JRatingManagerImpl.addRating(Attribute rated, Rating rating)
 void TM4JRatingManagerImpl.addRating(Association rated, Rating rating)
 void TM4JRatingManagerImpl.removeRating(User remover, Rating rating)
protected  void TM4JRatingManagerImpl.fireRatingSet(Rating source, Rateable rated)
protected  void TM4JRatingManagerImpl.fireRatingChanged(Rating source, Rateable rated, double oldRatingValue)