Uses of Class

Packages that use OntologyManagerException Start here for data model interfaces. 

Uses of OntologyManagerException in

Subclasses of OntologyManagerException in
 class OntologyManagerClassException
 class OntologyManagerDuplicateIdException
 class OntologyManagerTransactionException

Methods in that throw OntologyManagerException
 void ExportHandler.exportOntology(OutputStream out, boolean exportInternals)
          Exports the ontology to a given OutputStream.
 void ImportHandler.importOntology(InputStream in)
          Imports an ontology from the given InputStream.
 Topic OntologyManager.createTopic(User creator, String id, String name, Topic type)
          Creates a topic of the given type.
 Topic OntologyManager.createClassTopic(User creator, String id, String name, Topic cls)
          Creates a class topic as a subclass of the given superclass topic.
 Topic OntologyManager.createInternalTopic(User creator, String id, String name, Topic type)
          Creates an internal topic that is not visible through the topic collections, only by id query.
 Association OntologyManager.createAssociation(User creator, String id, String name, Topic type)
          Creates an association of the given type.
 Attribute OntologyManager.createAttribute(User creator, String id, String name, String value, Topic type)
          Creates an attribute of the given type.
 void OntologyManager.deleteTopic(Topic topic)
          Deletes a topic permanently from the ontology.
 void OntologyManager.deleteAssociation(Association assoc)
          Deletes an association permanently from the ontology.
 void OntologyManager.deleteAttribute(Attribute attr)
          Deletes an attribute permanently from the ontology.
 Object OntologyManager.openTransaction(Object scope)
          Opens a transaction for the ontology backend.
 void OntologyManager.commitTransaction(Object scope, Object ta)
          Commits the transaction for the given scope.
 void OntologyManager.rollbackTransaction(Object scope, Object ta)
          Rolls the transaction back for the given scope.
 boolean OntologyManager.reorg()
          If the ontology needs reorganization from time to time, the implementation can clean up the ontology when an application calls this method.

Uses of OntologyManagerException in

Methods in that throw OntologyManagerException
 void Association.setType(User setter, Topic type)
          Sets the type of the association.
 AssociationRole Association.addAssociationRole(User adder, Topic type)
          Creates an association role of the given type if the role does not exist yet.
 void Association.removeAssociationRole(User remover, Topic type)
          Removes the association role of the given type.
 void Association.addTopic(User adder, Topic topic, Topic roleType)
          Adds a topic to this association as a player of the given role.
 void Association.removeTopic(User remover, Topic topic, Topic roleType)
          Removes a topic from the given role if it is player of the role.
 void AssociationRole.setType(User setter, Topic type)
          Sets the type of the role.
 void AssociationRole.addTopic(User adder, Topic topic)
          Adds a topic to this role.
 void AssociationRole.removeTopic(User remover, Topic topic)
          Removes a topic from this role.
 void Attribute.setValue(User setter, String value)
          Changes the attribute's value.
 void Attribute.setType(User setter, Topic type)
          Sets the type of the attribute.
 void Attributeable.addAttribute(User setter, Attribute attr)
          Adds an attribute object to the attributeable element.
 void Attributeable.removeAttribute(User remover, Attribute attr)
          Removes the given attribute, if the object is an attribute of this element (otherwise, the call is ignored).
 void Commentatable.setComment(User setter, String comment)
          Changes the element's comment.
 void Concept.setName(User setter, String name)
          Changes the concept's name.
 void Occurrence.setData(User setter, String data)
          Changes the value of the occurrence.
 void Occurrence.setType(User setter, Topic type)
          Sets the type of the occurrence.
 TypeInstance Topic.addType(User adder, Topic type)
          Adds a type to this topic.
 void Topic.removeType(User remover, Topic type)
          Removes a type from this topic.
 Occurrence Topic.addOccurrence(User adder, String data, Topic type)
          Creates an occurrence for this topic with the given type and value (data).
 void Topic.removeOccurrence(User remover, Occurrence occ)
          Removes an occurrence from this topic.
 Synonym Topic.addSynonym(User adder, Topic synonym)
          Adds another topic as a synonym to this topic (and vice versa).
 void Topic.removeSynonym(User remover, Topic synonym)
          Removes a synonymous topic from this topic (and vice versa).
 SuperSubclass Topic.addSuperclass(User adder, Topic cls)
          Adds a superclass to this topic.
 void Topic.removeSuperclass(User remover, Topic cls)
          Removes a superclass from this class topic.
 void Topic.setClassTopic(boolean isclass)
          Controls the class flag, i.e. if the topic is a class or an instance topic.

Uses of OntologyManagerException in de.uka.ipd.consensus.impl

Methods in de.uka.ipd.consensus.impl that throw OntologyManagerException
 void AssociationImpl.setType(User setter, Topic type)
 AssociationRole AssociationImpl.addAssociationRole(User adder, Topic type)
 void AssociationImpl.removeAssociationRole(User remover, Topic type)
 void AssociationImpl.removeTopic(User remover, Topic topic, Topic roleType)
 void AssociationImpl.addTopic(User adder, Topic topic, Topic roleType)
 void AssociationImpl.setName(User setter, String name)
 void AssociationImpl.setComment(User setter, String comment)
 void AssociationRoleImpl.setType(User setter, Topic type)
 void AssociationRoleImpl.addTopic(User adder, Topic topic)
 void AssociationRoleImpl.removeTopic(User remover, Topic topic)
 void AttributeImpl.setValue(User setter, String value)
 void AttributeImpl.setType(User setter, Topic type)
 void OccurrenceImpl.setData(User setter, String data)
 void OccurrenceImpl.setType(User setter, Topic type)
protected  void OntologyManagerImpl.createTopicTypes()
protected  Association OntologyManagerImpl.addSuperclass(User adder, Topic topic, Topic superclass, boolean fire)
protected  Association OntologyManagerImpl.addInstanceType(User adder, Topic topic, Topic type, boolean fire)
 Topic OntologyManagerImpl.createTopic(User creator, String id, String name, Topic type)
 Topic OntologyManagerImpl.createClassTopic(User creator, String id, String name, Topic cls)
 Topic OntologyManagerImpl.createInternalTopic(User creator, String id, String name, Topic type)
 Attribute OntologyManagerImpl.createAttribute(User creator, String id, String name, String value, Topic type)
protected  void OntologyManagerImpl.addAttribute(User adder, Topic topic, Attribute attr)
protected  void OntologyManagerImpl.removeAttribute(User remover, Topic topic, Attribute attr)
 Association OntologyManagerImpl.createAssociation(User creator, String id, String name, Topic type)
 void OntologyManagerImpl.deleteTopic(Topic topic)
 void OntologyManagerImpl.deleteAssociation(Association assoc)
 void OntologyManagerImpl.deleteAttribute(Attribute attr)
 Object OntologyManagerImpl.openTransaction(Object scope)
 void OntologyManagerImpl.commitTransaction(Object scope, Object ta)
 void OntologyManagerImpl.rollbackTransaction(Object scope, Object ta)
 boolean OntologyManagerImpl.reorg()
 void SQLRatingImpl.setComment(User setter, String comment)
 void TM4JRatingImpl.setComment(User setter, String comment)
 void TM4JTopicWrapper.setName(User setter, String name)
 void TM4JTopicWrapper.setComment(User setter, String comment)
 TypeInstance TopicImpl.addType(User adder, Topic type)
 void TopicImpl.removeType(User remover, Topic type)
 void TopicImpl.addAttribute(User setter, Attribute attr)
 void TopicImpl.removeAttribute(User remover, Attribute attr)
 Occurrence TopicImpl.addOccurrence(User adder, String data, Topic type)
 void TopicImpl.removeOccurrence(User remover, Occurrence occ)
 Synonym TopicImpl.addSynonym(User adder, Topic topic)
 void TopicImpl.removeSynonym(User remover, Topic topic)
protected  void TopicImpl.setFlag(String flag)
protected  void TopicImpl.removeFlag(String flag)
 void TopicImpl.setClassTopic(boolean isclass)
 SuperSubclass TopicImpl.addSuperclass(User adder, Topic cls)
 void TopicImpl.removeSuperclass(User remover, Topic cls)
 void UserImpl.setComment(User setter, String comment)
 void XTMExportHandler.exportOntology(OutputStream out, boolean exportInternals)
 void XTMImportHandler.importOntology(InputStream in)