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Tue, Jun 06, 2006

iCab 3.0.2 Beta 413 - Click the Unclickable

iCab beta 413 was released to registered users yesterday. While the beta version number was increased by one only, there are at least two new interesting features:

  1. If you zoom into a large image, iCab centers the magnified image around the click location.
  2. If you hold down Command while clicking on an URL in ordinary text (i.e. on an URL which is not a link) the URL is opened in a new window nonetheless. You can use Option (Alt) and Shift to open the URL in a new tab etc., as set up in the preferences. See an example for a now clickable URL here.

Additionally, the release history mentions the following fixes and workarounds:

  • Password which were stored in iCab instead of the keychain of the MacOS where transfered to the keychain in Beta 412 by accident. This will no longer happen.
  • Small correction when loading FavIcons.
  • Small modification for text shadows with very large blur radius.
  • Small modification for the "Quirks" mode when calculating the font sizes in tables.
  • iCab now recognizes the proprietary Windows identifiers for the Flash and Quicktime ActiveX controls. Unfortuately some web authors build web pages which only contain the windows-only ActiveX identifiers for Flash and Quicktime content and therefore would only work under Windows Internet Explorer. iCab now knows the identifiers for the most important Plugin content (Flash and Quicktime), so these web pages should now also work in iCab.
  • Drag&Drop withing form input fields was broken in Beta 412.
  • If hidden elements in HTML code were made visible by manipulating the CSS property "display" via JavaScript but the new value for display was wrong in the context of the element (for example assigning "inline" where the context demands "block"), iCab could be "confused" because of this.
  • Script blocks as part of HTML code which is set by "innerHTML" via JavaScript will no longer be executed.
  • Retreiving HTML code via "innerHTML" could result in slightly "wrong" code if the original code was invalid and contained serious violations agains the web standards.
  • The JavaScript property "scrollHeight" retreived the height of the element itself if the scrolling was explicitely forbidded. But some web pages require then the height was returned which would have been returned if scrolling was allowed.
  • DIVs defined as "Floats" without providing any width could be larger than expected if placed in a table.
  • Scaling images when only width and(!) min/max-width or height and(!) min/max-height was defined didn't work correct.
  • The last workaround for empty "META-Refresh" tags broke another workaround for invalid formatted META-Refresh tags. Not this other workaround works again.
  • The counter of OL lists didn't work anymore if the HTML code containd some additional Tags between the OL and LI tags which are forbidden here.
Posted by Thomas Much at 10:45
Categories: iCab & InScript